Jeison Barrios is a 27 years old young man, graduated in 2016 from the school of Administration and Accounting of Universidad Catolica Andres Bello. He is currently working as consultant of Business Analytics and Financial Processes in medium and large companies.
After falling in love with accounting when finishing an Associated Degree, Jeison decided to apply in Universidad Central de Venezuela, UCV. A month after that he discovered UCAB and fell in love again.
The moment I step into it, UCAB, I felt that that was the University I was looking for in spite of the fact that it was expensive for a person who barely receive a minimum wage salary
With all economic odds that I was facing at the time, I decreed that I was going to be a part of UCAB and that I was going to graduate in five years as a Bachelor in Public Accounting.
During his first years as a student, Jeison had to work part time in an accounting firm in order to be able to pay the tuition and therefore he was not much at home and could no spend much time with his family. By the third semester monotony started to kick in.
If I left the job I was going to have to quit the University since it was it was my sustenance. Work and study were completely co-dependent. It was at that time that God put on my way the Asociación Venezolano Americano de Amistad (AVAA) and its valuable people.
This organization helped me view things from a different perspective, I learned to live and enjoy the moment with people of great values. I dedicated my Saturdays to its activities (personal and professional training workshops, recreational activities, conversations in English, etc.) with young people from all different universities. There was a time in which in spite of not having enough time, I felt good because I was having fun and I was administering my time better. Today I feel very grateful to the people of AVAA for its wonderful work and the dedication to the young people in Venezuela.
Afterwards, he became a member of AIESEC since all the promotions at the UCAB fair. Jeison tells that his experience there was wonderful since it allowed him to get to know other cultures and different ways of living.
I say today and it seems incredible, that at the same time I studied, worked and was part of two major organizations and I felt very happy. I did not sleep more than four hours!
Despite all the hard work Jeison tells us that he loved studying at UCAB.
I believe that my university experience has so far been the best part of my life, it was wonderful.
What at the beginning may have seemed to me as a sacrifice and a position of disadvantage, I believe today that was the best I could have had. Everything is a matter of perspective; not having the economic resources led me to both study and work and that lead me to all the rest. My learning process was accelerated and integral. Today I feel happy and satisfied with myself and sure of the things I may achieve in the future. If I was given the opportunity to relive the experience I will, for sure, do it all over again.
During his fourth semester Jeison´s economic problems grew bigger due to inflation. By the time he was in the sixth semester he decided to go to an interview to request economic assistance and two months after he obtained it.
Having received that grant motivated me to have more sensibility to support initiatives that encourage young people not to give upon their dreams of becoming professionals; in spite of the economic obstacles they may face. Business Social Responsibility(RSE) is an issue that is little by little taking the spotlight in organizations and I would not hesitate a minute to put it into practice in my daily work as way of repaying all that I received at the University.
A country is build by making its citizens grow and investing on it will always have a positive impact, many Venezuelan youngsters want to give the best of them, get better opportunities in life, and transform the reality by ways of their small contributions. It is increasingly difficult to access private education because of loss of earning power. We can together create bridges to eliminate the economic barriers that many face to become integrated professionals, of good values and committed to their country.
I became a professional thanks to God and to each and all those persons that invest in educational programs, that is the same fate that I wish for all Venezuelans that want to grow professionally. To business men and organizations: Keep on having faith in Venezuelans and on their desire to become better citizens and professionals through their contributions.