Emperatriz Escalona is a 23 year old woman graduated from the School of Psychology of Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. She was able to graduate thanks to all the financial assistance she received from the university.

She recalls that it had become very difficult to finish her studies in the institution, which is why at some point she was very close to drop out. However, thanks to the financial aid she received during her last semester she managed to graduate.

Thanks to the fact that I could study at UCAB I can proudly say that I have international recognition in my area since it is one of the best Psychology Schools in Latin America. It is because of this that I have several work opportunities both in Venezuela and overseas within my area of expertise. My Alma Mater helped me, in more than one occasion, so that I colud finish school, against an unstable economy.

Emperatriz also had the chance to travel to Mexico since she was invited by the United Nations and the Mexican Institute of Youth to present her Graduation Thesis in an international conference of Youth Public Policies in Latin America. In this occasion she also relied on the financial assistance of the UCAB who made her trip possible by granting her travel expenses.

Without this help I would not have been able to assist, give the best of me and represent Venezuela in this important event”

And for this I will be forever grateful to my alma mater. I will always have UCAB in my heart since without its support I would not be the professional that I am today. This University has implanted in me so many professional excellence values, some of which have already flourished, but there are many more that will do so through all my life. 

Andrea Saldeño